Source: Yahoo
(May 27, 2021) Flat-faced dogs, formally known as brachycephalic dogs, have been bred intentionally over the years for a shortened skull and mini muzzle that yields the characteristic baby face we know and love in many popular dog breeds today. These include the French bulldog and English bulldog, who both rank second and fifth on the list of America's most popular dog breeds, respectively...Read more» |
Source: VIN News Service
(May 13, 2021) The United Kingdom is moving to ban the importation of dogs with cropped ears, amid an apparent surge in the practice driven by pop stars and other celebrities that prompted veterinarians to call for stricter rules. Britain's ruling conservative government this week said it will introduce the import ban as part of a range of measures designed to improve animal welfare, including the compulsory microchipping of cats and prohibition of electric-shock training collars. The new rules will be introduced for parliamentary votes via a series of bills, the government said Wednesday...Read more» |
Source: Business Observer
(May 13, 2021) Cats. Just seeing the word in print will send some people running for allergy pills, lint brushes and air fresheners. Sure, others will see it and imagine cuddling on a couch or happily watching a loving pet chase a piece of yarn or nap in a thin patch of sunlight. But not the first group. Well, a Tampa biotech firm has come up with a solution that could make both parties happy: a synthetic cat. It wasn’t created as a compromise between cat lovers and cat haters, though. It was developed, instead, as a tool to help students in veterinary school learn how to spay the animals without having to practice on a real one...Read more» |
Source: The New York Times
(April 24, 2021) I’m a vegan, but I’m also a realist. There’s no chance humanity is going to give up meat, en masse, anytime soon. That said, we can’t just wish away the risks of industrial animal agriculture. If we don’t end this system, soon, terrible things will happen to us and to the planet. Terrible things are already happening...Read more» |
Source: Vox
(April 20, 2021) In 2021, the French bulldog, commonly known as a Frenchie, became the second most popular dog breed in America. If there’s an “It” breed of the 21st century so far, it’s these dogs, with their squat figures, flat faces, and outsize bat ears. American Kennel Club registrations for the breed have risen steadily for over a decade, growing by 830 percent since 2009. Rather than requiring human owners to change their lives to accommodate a new dog, the French bulldog is a breed that’s been broken to accommodate us... Read more» |
Source: Frontiers in Veterinary Science
(April 12, 2021) Ethically challenging situations (ECS) are common in veterinary settings and can lead to moral stress. However, there is no published information about how a global pandemic affects the frequency and types of ECS encountered by veterinary team members. An online mixed methods survey was developed to determine the frequency, stressfulness and types of ECS experienced by veterinarians, animal health technicians and veterinary nurses since the advent of the global COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020...Read more» |
Source: VIN
(April 9, 2021) Claims of bias in veterinary medical school admissions have generally been the product of intuition, anecdote or extrapolation from research involving other professional schools. Now, a report from the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges puts meat on the bones of those conjectures with evidence of bias in the 2019 application cycle...Read more» |
Source: Sierra Club
(January 7, 2021) The first sign of trouble was that the mink stopped eating, said Hugh Hildebrandt, one of two main mink vets in Wisconsin. Next came coughing and sneezing, lethargy and labored breathing. Hildebrandt had worked with mink for 30 years. He wrote the Merck Veterinary Manual section on mink. But he had never seen anything like this...Read more» |
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