Unresponsive Behavior: A Guide to the Evaluation and Compassionate Choices for Refractory Behavior Problems in Companion Animals
Presented by: Dr. Sally J. Foote, DVM
Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at 8:00 pm ET
This webinar is FREE for all attendees. 1.5 hours of RACE CE credits (medical) will be available for HSVMA members only. Not yet a member? Join HERE!
Refractory behavior problems are something we have all seen in practice. These cases are often highly charged emotionally, and we know that owners who feel they have come to the end of their ability to care for a challenging pet are heartbroken and often guilt ridden. During this important webinar we will consider how to evaluate these cases.
Ruling out medical reasons for behavior issues and referring to professional experienced behaviorists before euthanasia is important, however it is not the focus on this particular webinar.
Learning Objectives:
- To be able to assess a case for non-responsiveness to medication and behavior modification. Safety of the people and other animals in the environment, welfare of the patient and others will be considered.
- To be able to assess quality of life levels for the patient, the family and other animals, and realistic recognition of the long-term commitment of finances, time and emotion to constantly manage these cases.
- To understand behavior is controlled by an organ, the brain –Dr Foote will review MRI research evidence on the functional difference of the brain of aggressive animals compared to normally socialized animals.
We will discuss why screening referral sources for safe, compassionate BE is needed. If the primary care veterinary team is not willing or capable of performing the service, how can they make a responsible referral to a shelter prepared for euthanasia of behavior cases, a different general practice or arrange for home euthanasia DVM.
To remove the high emotions and opinion surrounding euthanasia for behavior and provide support for the staff and family involved in these cases.
Understand how the veterinary community can work with the shelter, behaviorist, trainer, and breeder community to reduce the incidence of BE.
Dr. Sally J. Foote, DVM
Dr. Sally J Foote is an international veterinary behavior consultant, writer, and speaker. She is an expert in creating a less stressful care experience for staff, patients, and clients. Dr. Foote has presented at national conferences including the AVMA, VMX, and Midwest Veterinary Conference, and is a guest lecturer at various Colleges of Veterinary Medicine and other universities. With over 35 years of practice experience, Dr. Foote now focuses her time on speaking and creating online education, heading the Bella Behavior learning center in Tuscola Il, and continuing innovation in veterinary behavior.
Dr. Foote received her DVM in 1984 from the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine. She is a Certified Animal Behavior Consultant by the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, Low-Stress Handling Certified – Silver and Fear Free Elite Certified.
Dr. Foote has served on multiple committees with the Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association and is past president of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior. Dr. Foote is a member of the AVSAB, AVMA, ISVMA, and VVCA. She was the executive director of Cattledog publishing, the veterinary publishing company founded by the late Sophia Yin, DVM, from 2016-2020. Dr. Foote’s hobbies include hiking especially near her sister’s home in Switzerland, knitting, and enjoying the quiet life in rural east central Illinois with her family.